Looping through Arrays
So far we have used variables that are of the four basic types: Boolean, Real, Integer or String.
We can also have an array using any of those types. This means that we have several spaces in memory that we can refer to using the same variable name.
In order to declare an array, we tick the array checkbox when declaring a variable, and enter the array size.
Each location within the array is referenced by using the name of the array, followed by the numerical location. Arrays start at location 0 and continue until they hit the end of the array which is the size. An array of size 3 will then have locations: myCars[0], myCars[1] and myCars[2]
We can assign values into the array locations by saying:
myCars[0] = 2000
myCars[1] = 3550
myCars[2] = 1400
An easier way to do this is to loop through the array, using a variable whose value is the same as the array location.
Such as a variable index = 0, then we can say myCars[index] = 500. See the following examples for how to do this with either a while loop or a for loop.