Data types in Flowgorithm

Flowgorithm allows variables to be declared using 5 types. (See Variable Declaration for information about how to declare variables).

Data types

  1. Boolean (e.g. true, false) These are the basis of decision making in a program. Stores either true or false only.

  2. Real (e.g. 5.2, 850.0, -42.1) Can store numbers with decimals either positive or negative.

  3. Integer (e.g. 325, -42) Can store whole numbers either positive or negative. If it is used in a calculation which would normally return a decimal, it will drop off the remainder.

  4. String (e.g. “Hello World!”) Can store text data. Individual strings can be combined to create longer messages. Usually used to output instructions to the user or to add labels to other data.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""